Jelica Nuccio - Master Mentor Trainer

Jelica Nuccio, originally from Croatia, lives in Monmouth, OR, and has been very active in the DeafBlind community since she moved from Atlanta, Georgia in 1997. Jelica was the first DeafBlind Director of the Seattle Deaf-Blind Service Center (DBSC) and also a co-author of a curriculum for DeafBlind people getting the most out of their Support Service Providers (SSP). She is currently the founder of Tactile Communications which is the training center based on protactile philosophy and DeafBlind Education. Prior to this work, Jelica worked variously as a research coordinator, advocate and job-developer. Jelica has a B.A. in Biology from RIT in Rochester, and an M.A. in Public Health from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. For the past 25 years, she has been active in the local and national DeafBlind communities.
John Lee Clark - Master MENTOR TRAINER

John Lee Clark is an experienced Braille and Protactile instructor who operates a busy private practice in the Twin Cities area. He is second-generation DeafBlind and the author or editor of five books, the most recent of which is a collection of essays called Where I Stand (Handtype Press, 2014). In 2015, the D.C.-based social justice organization Split This Rock named him finalist for the Freedom Plow Award for Poetry and Activism in recognition of his poetry, translations of ASL poetry, and advocacy for people with disabilities. His writings have appeared in diverse publications, including The Chronicle of Higher Education, Ecotone, McSweeney’s, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Poetry, Rattle, and Sign Language Studies. He is also a research consultant for a National Science Foundation grant studying Protactile phonology, Drs. Terra Edwards and Diane Brentari principal investigators.
He lives in Hopkins, Minnesota, with author and artist Adrean Clark and their three sons. You can find some of his essays at, follow him on Twitter @johnleeclark, or email him at jlc (at) johnleeclark (dot) com.
He lives in Hopkins, Minnesota, with author and artist Adrean Clark and their three sons. You can find some of his essays at, follow him on Twitter @johnleeclark, or email him at jlc (at) johnleeclark (dot) com.
Jason Herbers - Master Mentor trainer

Jason Herbers is a DeafBlind person, an advocate, and a teacher.
He graduated from Gallaudet University in 1996 with BS in Computer Information Systems. He retired after 15+ years in the information technology field with his last position being Computer Support Team Leader at Gallaudet University. He currently teaches DeafBlind Interpreting at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College in Cincinnati, Ohio and at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. He has taken several Train The Trainers programs and frequently gives workshops with topics including Pro-Tactile and Touch Signals (Haptics). Jason is serving as a Member at Large for the Ohio Association of the DeafBlind.
He is married to Deanna Herbers and they have two children, Kyanna and Brandon. In his spare time, he enjoys sports news, especially football, and running a football fantasy league.
He graduated from Gallaudet University in 1996 with BS in Computer Information Systems. He retired after 15+ years in the information technology field with his last position being Computer Support Team Leader at Gallaudet University. He currently teaches DeafBlind Interpreting at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College in Cincinnati, Ohio and at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. He has taken several Train The Trainers programs and frequently gives workshops with topics including Pro-Tactile and Touch Signals (Haptics). Jason is serving as a Member at Large for the Ohio Association of the DeafBlind.
He is married to Deanna Herbers and they have two children, Kyanna and Brandon. In his spare time, he enjoys sports news, especially football, and running a football fantasy league.
Nicole Alleman

As a native Louisianan, Nicole Alleman is DeafBlind and uses Tactile American Sign Language and Protactile. Ms. Alleman is the DeafBlind Services Specialist with NC Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Prior to relocating to NC, she worked in Louisiana with different roles in the school system: behaviorist specialist, school counselor and teacher, as well working with an interpreting agency and mental health agency. She received her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Social Work degrees from Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. She was on the Board of Directors for the American Association of the DeafBlind. She enjoys going to museums, hiking and exploring state parks.
Hayley Broadway - Mentor

Hayley Broadway is a ProTactile and Support Service Provider (SSP) consultant and trainer that resides in Austin, Texas with her two children. She is a graduate of Texas State University and holds a bachelors degree in special education, magna cum laude. In addition to a bachelors, she also holds a Masters degree in Masters in Sign Language Education (MA- SLED) from Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. She completed training at Tactile Communications (TC), a DeafBlind-led training center when it was based in Seattle, Washington and is now located in Monmouth, Oregon.
Identifying as DeafBlind, she is a very passionate advocate for the DeafBlind community, and educates on topics covering DeafBlind, DeafBlind Interpreting, and ProTactile. Hayley has given ProTactile Workshops and trainings in various locations, locally and out of states. She also has developed resources for the local DeafBlind community in providing SSP trainings and local services through different avenues, especially the one at Travis County Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.. She serves as one of the SSP coordinators at DeafBlind Service Center of Austin. She is also the director of DeafBlind Camp of Texas that runs two DeafBlind camps: Camp Junior and Adult Camp. She has been a part of several curriculum development projects, including a part of the curriculum development team for TC in the past. Among all of the development and various projects, she is currently teaching in an adjunct position at Austin Community College, teaching interpreting students how to work with DeafBlind Persons and is one of trainers for TC.
Identifying as DeafBlind, she is a very passionate advocate for the DeafBlind community, and educates on topics covering DeafBlind, DeafBlind Interpreting, and ProTactile. Hayley has given ProTactile Workshops and trainings in various locations, locally and out of states. She also has developed resources for the local DeafBlind community in providing SSP trainings and local services through different avenues, especially the one at Travis County Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.. She serves as one of the SSP coordinators at DeafBlind Service Center of Austin. She is also the director of DeafBlind Camp of Texas that runs two DeafBlind camps: Camp Junior and Adult Camp. She has been a part of several curriculum development projects, including a part of the curriculum development team for TC in the past. Among all of the development and various projects, she is currently teaching in an adjunct position at Austin Community College, teaching interpreting students how to work with DeafBlind Persons and is one of trainers for TC.
Roberto Cabrera - Mentor

Roberto Cabrera is a Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, Late-Deafened and Hard of Hearing (DDBDDLDHH). Roberto is also teaching American Sign Language courses.
In the community, Roberto is one of the California Association of the Deaf’s Employment Taskforce Committees and is a board member of California Manos del Corazon. In his off hours, Roberto Cabrera is active in leading discussions on a wide range of mental health and social psychology topics within the DDBDDLDHH community. As a proactive community member, Roberto has embraced his intersectional identities—Second Generation DeafBlind, Dominican and Queer. Roberto received his Master’s degree in Counseling with an emphasis on Marriage and Family Therapy and his Bachelor’s degree in Human Service with an emphasis on Mental Health from California State University, Fullerton. As an active person, Roberto loves chatting with people and loves learning new technology to make life easier.
In the community, Roberto is one of the California Association of the Deaf’s Employment Taskforce Committees and is a board member of California Manos del Corazon. In his off hours, Roberto Cabrera is active in leading discussions on a wide range of mental health and social psychology topics within the DDBDDLDHH community. As a proactive community member, Roberto has embraced his intersectional identities—Second Generation DeafBlind, Dominican and Queer. Roberto received his Master’s degree in Counseling with an emphasis on Marriage and Family Therapy and his Bachelor’s degree in Human Service with an emphasis on Mental Health from California State University, Fullerton. As an active person, Roberto loves chatting with people and loves learning new technology to make life easier.
Kimberly Han

Kimberly Han, DeafBlind Korean American, resides in Southern California. She graduated with BA in Psychology at California State University Northridge and MA in School Counseling at Gallaudet University. She interned in New Mexico connecting with Deaf Native Indian students. In California, she previously worked as an adjunct college counselor and substitute teacher for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. Kimberly was exposed to Protactile in late 2018 and became more involved in hopes to develop a stronger and diverse DeafBlind community in California and possibly international.
Debra Kahn

Debra Kahn grew up in Montana and Iowa with four brothers, two of them DeafBlind like her. She also has two double-first cousins that are DB. She graduated from Gallaudet University with a BA in Psychology and is a proud mother of two grown children. She had a wonderful experience living in England for 4 years and traveled in Europe with her family. Since moving to Seattle in 2015, she has been actively involved in the DB community. Debra has the heart to advocate and educate others about DeafBlind issues and their needs. She has worked in a variety of different jobs from being a SSP Coordinator to ASL teacher/tutor. She has contributed and shared the DB perspective in different projects and panels with organizations that focus on people with disabilities.
Jonathan LeJeune

Jonathan LeJeune, who is DeafBlind himself, was born and raised in Louisiana into an entirely DeafBlind family (mother, father, and two sisters). Even his extended (numerous cousins, uncles, and aunts) are DeafBlind and Deaf. He graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) with a Bachelors in Social Work.
Jon is currently working as a freelance DeafBlind mentor, consultant and a board member of Deaf Blind Community Access Network (DBCAN) Advisory Council in Massachusetts. He completed training at Tactile Communications (TC) in Monmouth, Oregon.
Jon is currently working as a freelance DeafBlind mentor, consultant and a board member of Deaf Blind Community Access Network (DBCAN) Advisory Council in Massachusetts. He completed training at Tactile Communications (TC) in Monmouth, Oregon.
Vicky Magliocchino
Victoria (Vicky) Magliocchino grew up in New York and attended New York School for the Deaf (Fanwood). She received her BA in English from Gallaudet and MA in Deaf Education from Western Maryland College (currently McDaniel College). After teaching high school language arts and mathematics at Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind in St. Augustine for 35 years, she retired and continues to be active in Florida DeafBlind Association. She served two terms as a Gornernor-appointed DeafBlind representative on Florida Rehabiliation Council of the Blind. She is also active in Gallaudet University’s St. Augustine Alumni Chapter.
Sarah McMillen

Sarah is currently living in San Antonio, a cultural-rich space of U.S. and Spanish their-stories, anticipating to become a Language Specialist, where she aims to further advocate for and educate about PT, ASL, and other signed languages across the globe. She graduated from SUNY Brockport with B.S. in Health Science, Liberal Arts; and obtained M.A. in Deaf Studies, Cultural Studies. She lives with her partner, and their furry kiddos!
Kelly Monahan

Kelly Monahan is from Chicago Illinois, where she was born and raised. She graduated from the Illinois School for the Deaf and studied at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf in Rochester, New York. Kelly attended the Tactile Communication Training (TC) and became a ProTactile trainer. Kelly has been an advocate for the Chicago Deafblind community. She hosts ProTactile events and a group for the DeafBlind cruise (DBEC). Kelly enjoys outdoor activities and crafts. She is a devoted mother, spends her time with family and deaf dog in the Chicago suburbs.
Lesley Silva-Kopec

Lesley Silva-Kopec currently resides in New York City with her husband and two dogs.
She has a passion for the DeafBlind community. When she moved to NYC, she learned that the DeafBlind event took place a few times annually. She coordinated to work together with others in the DeafBlind community to host DeafBlind events every month. She is currently involved with the NYC Support Service Provider project.
Lesley enjoys meeting new people and exploring new things.
She has a passion for the DeafBlind community. When she moved to NYC, she learned that the DeafBlind event took place a few times annually. She coordinated to work together with others in the DeafBlind community to host DeafBlind events every month. She is currently involved with the NYC Support Service Provider project.
Lesley enjoys meeting new people and exploring new things.
Interested in joining our team? Contact us! You can reach us at [email protected].