Ashley Benton

Ashley Benton, MSW is an advocate with more than 20 years of experience in providing a wide array of services to the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind communities. She has been recognized for outstanding leadership and service within these communities. Ms. Benton is currently the Deaf/DeafBlind Services Coordinator and a member of the Executive Program Coordination Team with the NC Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DSDHH). Prior to joining DSDHH, she was a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Mental Health and Substance Abuse therapist. She is DeafBlind with Usher Syndrome and communicates using tactile American Sign Language, ProTactile and Haptics. Ms. Benton received her MSW with Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind specialty certification from East Carolina University. Her experience includes serving as director of the NC Deaf-Blind Associates (NCDBA) DeafBlind Weekend at Camp Dogwood, board member of DeafBlind Citizens in Action (DBCA), long-time representative of the Deaf and DeafBlind communities on the NC Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, board member of the NC Interpreter and Transliterator Licensing Board, member of the National Task Force on DeafBlind Interpreting and serving as coordinator of the AADB Mentoring Pilot Project. Ms. Benton grew up on a farm in eastern NC, is married to a sign language interpreter and has a teenage son. She enjoys reading, socializing with friends, and riding her tandem bike.
Korian DeMont Thomas

Korian “Koko” DeMont Thomas was born and raised in Dallas, Texas, and identifies as Black DeafBlind. Thomas earned a Bachelor of Social Work degree specializing in HIV education and a Master of Public Administration, both from Gallaudet University, and a master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of North Texas.
Pronouns: Koko/he/him/his
Pronouns: Koko/he/him/his
SaraH Goodwin

HI! Sarah Goodwin here (pronouns: she, hers), I am DeafBlind, and I use Portactile language as a communication mode. I was a student at Tactile Communication, LLC in the fall of 2018 where I did six weeks of Protactile training. I am an adjunct instructor at a community college, Lone Star College in Texas and I have been teaching there for over six years. Moreover, I teach a course called "Working with DeafBlind persons" at this college. I am also a doctoral student at Lamar University, and I hope to graduate there with a doctorate degree in Deaf Studies/Deaf Education someday.

Nikk currently is from the Greater Rochester Area of New York State. Nikk has been Deaf from birth and developed several eye disorders which has caused them to become blind as well. Being DeafBlind has never stopped Nikk, as they hold 5 college degrees- 2 of them master’s degrees. Nikk also holds certifications as a Dialectical Behavioral Therapist and DeafBlind intervener. Nikk has multiple publications both personally and in peer reviewed research. Nikk aspires to find a better job that fits all their accomplishments, professional work, background. As well as aspires to become a foster parent and eventually adopt. Nikk has been training DeafBlind interpreters since 2014 and is excited to be a part of PLI this year, 2023.
Pronouns: he/him
Pronouns: he/him

Pavey is a professional independent consultant, educator, mentor, and presenter. She graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science degree in Multidisciplinary Studies with concentrations in Psychology and Criminal Justice. Prior work experience includes but is not limited to employment at University of Rochester Medical Center and at Texas School for the Deaf. A proud Michigan native, Pavey is now a resident of Austin, Texas for over 15 years. She enjoys taking on a variety of education and mentoring opportunities. Pavey is also a well known massage therapist. She devotes her free time to co-hosting community events for DeafBlind inclusion. She enjoys spending time with loved ones, traveling, hiking, SUP, camping, and other indoor hobbies like crocheting, playing cards, and is also a budding artist.
Pronouns; she / they.
Pronouns; she / they.
Allyson Snow

Allyson Snow is a homemaker who adores her fur babies (4 cats and a guide dog). Originally from Long Island, NY she grew up attending a Deaf School and graduated from NTID with an AA degree in Liberal Arts in 1999. With many years of experience in the DB community in Minnesota, this socialization and connection led to an acceptance of her DeafBlind identity. She has been involved on several Boards and committees related to DeafBlind events, particularly those related to the DeafBlind Service of Minnesota and the Association of DB of Minnesotans. She played an active role in these organizations from 2004 to 2007.
She moved to North Carolina in 2015 and began to engage with the local DeafBlind community there through the DeafBlind Self Advocacy Forum, and she now serves on the Board for the NC DeafBlind Association, and works hard to ensure everyone in the DeafBlind Community has the opportunity to participate in activities and leadership roles at various fun events. She started to learn Protactile language a year ago and continues on this journey of learning each day. She is very excited to be part of Protactile Language Interpreting Institute and is eager to learn more so she can take that knowledge back to NC and share it with other DeafBlind people in NC.
Allyson also loves swimming in herendless pool and loves visiting any place with pools and socializing with interesting people.
She moved to North Carolina in 2015 and began to engage with the local DeafBlind community there through the DeafBlind Self Advocacy Forum, and she now serves on the Board for the NC DeafBlind Association, and works hard to ensure everyone in the DeafBlind Community has the opportunity to participate in activities and leadership roles at various fun events. She started to learn Protactile language a year ago and continues on this journey of learning each day. She is very excited to be part of Protactile Language Interpreting Institute and is eager to learn more so she can take that knowledge back to NC and share it with other DeafBlind people in NC.
Allyson also loves swimming in herendless pool and loves visiting any place with pools and socializing with interesting people.
Rhonda Voight-Campbell

Rhonda Voight-Campbell is a DeafBlind Specialist for the New York DeafBlind Collaborative, a federally funded grant that provides technical assistance to improve services for DeafBlind children. Additionally, Rhonda is an adjunct faculty at Rochester Institute of Technology where she teaches undergraduate students the necessary skills to work with DeafBlind people. Rhonda's journey encompasses being a DeafBlind mentor, raising two Deaf children and following the Protactile movement. Her time is spent interacting with many DeafBlind folks from all backgrounds and in different environments/platforms, such as at retreats, through direct training and on listservs.
Pronouns: she/her
Pronouns: she/her
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